Saturday, July 16, 2011


I'm a 17 year old male, who is constantly sitting or lying down at the computer. I hardly do any physical activity. But for the past 2 weeks, I've noticed a very mild (sometimes sharp) pain in my armpit area (around the pectoral muscle area) that comes and goes. I mostly experience this pain at night, during the day I hardly feel anything. There is no swelling or other symptoms, just this pain. What could it be? (If it helps, I've had this persistent cough, which I got after a flu, and it gets worse when exposed or inhaling cigarette smoke, if any of this may be related). I went to the doctor, and he checked both my armpits, and said I may be allergic to the deoderants I'm using, and gave me a cream to use, which has not worked or relieved the pain in any way.

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